We are a manufacturer, importer, and factory rep for some of the largest collectible supply brands in the industry. Collecting Warehouse was created and is operated by folks with over 19 years of experience in the mail order collectibles and collecting business. Our goal is to supply collectors with the supplies they need to display, preserve, protect and display collections of all kinds. We manufacture exclusive custom products designed specifically for collectors that can be found nowhere else based on feedback we heard from collectors like you over the years. Our Glass domes, Doll Stands, Zipper Bags, Acrylic Cases, Action Figure Stands, Sports Displays and Showcases are in stock and ready to ship. We have a full time staff who treat every order with utmost urgency.
Collecting Warehouse
1780 S Erie Hwy
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone (513) 829-2999
Toll Free (877) 829-2999